The average amount of time it takes a college student to graduate from a 4-year program is 6 years.
This college planning process has been used to help thousands of families throughout the past 20 years. For the first time, it is now accessible to more families than ever, at a reduced price.
Instead of paying for a full-service package (which includes a full-time advisor), we have created a course curriculum with everything you need to do-it-yourself at a more affordable cost to you.
Here’s a quick outline of what’s included in the College Planning Success Course:
- Step-by-step student and parent “to-do” actions
- Best academic plan guidelines for your student
- Career assessments and research guidelines
- Guidance on college selections based on career choices
- College Exploration Template for college research
- Job shadow guidelines for student experiences
- Guidance on SAT/ACT test preparation, tools, and strategies
- Guidance for filling out college applications
- Pointers on writing college application essay(s)
- A how-to guide for filling out the FAFSA
- Guidance on financial and merit-award analysis
- Award Letter Analysis Template for award review
- Guidance on writing appeal letters to request additional aid
- Advice on applying for third-party scholarships
- Guidance on college acceptance and next steps
- Reflection questions for the student
- Check-in questions for the parent
- Regular updates regarding any changes in the process
You can opt out of your membership at any time.